Weekend Wows
My hubby had been to Mysore for the weekend. My friends, Seema(also my cuz) and Shraddha came home to stay with me.
We started cooking at 8 in the night for dinner. We joked, pulled each other’s leg, patted

It was time for movies. We dragged out the spare beds from under the cots and sprawled them in the living room. Relishing the custard that made the fitting dessert for the night, we made ourselves comfy and watched three movies, back to back. Well, actually two and a half coz one of them was kinda boring and we decided to save the time for the girly girly chat. And chat we did!
It was seven in the morning when we finally called it a day (er, night?) and slept like logs who’d just finished the most grueling tasks of their lives.
We had breakfast, uh, brunch, uh lunch at about 12. We hit the sack again to watch another movie, hindi this time. It was on TV and the intermittent commercial breaks were welcomed as they gave us more time to talk.
It was almost five in the evening when my friends left for the day.
A few of the things worth mentioning:
One of the movies we watched was Fear, which got over at 3 in the morning. I realised I hadn’t kept the plastic bag outside for the milkman to put in the milk. We did not want to be woken up in the wee hours by the call bell and decided to hang the plastic bag. And guess what, we were scared. It was 3, dark outside, we had just watched Fear where the psycho tries to kill a family by barging into their house…. But what the heck, we are brave girls. Two of us huddled together and slowly opened the door. Armed with a pillow in case of emergency, we bravely hung the plastic bag. Closing the door just as cautiously, we breathed a sigh of relief!
Dinner. It was just too good. We congratulated each other as if we jointly won the Academy Awards for the Best Chefs on Earth.
Breakfast. Or atleast that’s what it can be called, since that was the first thing we had after we woke up, regardless of the time. Apart from the everyday kinda breakfast, we cooked hash brown (our version), coated with loads of mozarella! A very fatty way of beginning the day, I say.
Lunch. It was simple. We had ganji. For those who don’t know what ganji is, it is rice mellowed by the water used to cook it. And accompanying that was ghee, salt, and mouth-watering, spicy, yum yum yummy Andhra pickle.
Our chit chats. We reminisced our good old college days when we had loads of fun. We laughed like crazy and talked at the top of our voice though the whole neighbourhood was fast asleep.
All in all, it was a weekend to cherish. Thanks, palz :).