Dho(ni) Daala

Gilchrist was my favourite player. Not anymore! Dhamakedaar Dhoni has pushed him off that position with his rock n roll.
Not withstanding the fact that Gil is an awesome wicket keeper, he is a stupendous hitter and starts the Aussie innings with - what else – a BLAST!
And here we have Dhoni who is not just an awesome wicket keeper but is also a stupendous hitter who ends the Indian innings with - what else – a BLAST!
Dhoni is the new poster boy !
Just to make ya happy...
Dhoni tops the list of wicketkeepers with the highest career batting average in one-dayers!!
Hey, that's neat!
thnx :)
His one day avg is more than 50. Thats an achievment in itself.
And the reason for his POWER is he drinks milk....haalu not alchohol ;)
Imran Khan decribing him :
"A butcher with a temperament"
@harsha hey he's just like u then! is he a veggie too?
( r u gonna be the nxt dhoni? Or is he the new harsha?)
And he's got lotsa hair... which is always a hit with girls ;-)
Heyyyyyy Guess what? I ran into Dhoni & some of our boys yesterday at the Taj :))))))
They were just leaving for net practice. I hate myself that I didn't ask for a pic - had my phone with me too.... sigh.
hey that's COOL!!!! u shud have atleast spoken to them!
Yeah I should have... but you know how these things are. I met Tendulkar once (at the Taj that time too)... we both were walking down the long corridoor (bet the Crystal Central & Conference Room) towards each other when I suddenly realised it was Tendy.
We were just the two of us & I was literally so star struck I just stared at him with wide-open eyes... he must be used to this because he smiled at me & said "Hi" and moved on.
So I sort of had a convo with that man at least !
lol :)
he must have looked so damn cute!
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